Gregg Biro


Gregg Biro Headshot

Gregg is president with Resource Consulting Group. He joined the firm in 2010 as the director of business development. Prior to joining RCG, he was a vice president for Bernstein Global Wealth Management where he provided comprehensive wealth management solutions to clients in Florida. He also served in a similar role with Wells Fargo Private Bank in Orlando. He holds his Series 65 financial security license.

As president, Gregg works closely with leadership to help implement and deliver the long-term strategic vision of the firm. He also oversees the firm’s business development activities.

Gregg is a graduate of The Ohio State University with a bachelor’s degree in marketing and computer information systems.

A resident of Orlando since 1987, Gregg enjoys swimming, playing golf and spending time with his three children. He supports several local nonprofits which provide support and guidance to children. He is active with the Victory Cup Initiative where he served as president of the board from 2016 to 2019.

Personal Thoughts

I am the youngest of five children raised by a single mom. My father inexplicably walked away from the family when I was still quite young. While I was what most considered an “oops” child, my mother always stated that I was the greatest oops ever. She was a remarkable woman without a college degree and yet, she did amazing things during her career at United Airlines.

Gregg Biro family photo

As you can imagine, we never had a great deal of money, but she was a master budgeter. Not a penny was wasted or an ounce of food thrown away. Ever! “Gregg, come eat this last spoonful of corn.” I can hear those words like it was yesterday. She was a Great Depression-era child, and her approach to money was serious and stringent. My appreciation for a dollar and my discipline when it comes to finances can be traced right back to Janet T. Biro.

I will never forget shopping for school clothes and heading to the register to pay. She’d look at me and say, “I’m gonna pay now,” which became my signal to walk away and that the negotiations were about to begin. I can still hear her now, “Can I get 25 cents off these pants? There’s a thread coming off the jeans.” I remember being mortified at the time. However, that’s what a single mom of five kids had to do to make ends meet. You do tough things and you make tough decisions, and that mentality has cultivated who I am today. As my mom would say, “You don’t plant peas and get corn.”

I have a vivid recollection of the invoice she presented me after graduating from Ohio State for every dollar I borrowed from her to pay for school. She offered these to me complete with the date, the amount and the check numbers! I remember saying to her, “Do you expect me to pay you back?” She said, “Yes, I do.” And I did — every dime.

I am the man I am today because of a wonderful mom. I could tell you a thousand stories and I still wouldn’t begin to explain the mark she left on me. I can’t imagine a better training ground for a financial advisor than the life lessons my mother taught me. My hope is that when you walk into a meeting with me, you’ll see the discipline she instilled in me. It’s a highly underrated attribute for an advisor, and I bring it to work every day as I serve my clients.

I lost my mother in 2012. She was truly my hero and I miss her every day. I love you, Mom!


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